Dan True


Cloud Architect

Tech Lead

Artifical Intelligence

Dan True


Cloud Architect

Tech Lead

Artifical Intelligence

About Me

Hi! I’m Dan true.
I’m a Freelance Software Engineer living in Hillerød, Denmark. I’ve been programming since 2001 and finished my master’s degree in in 2014 from the Technical University of Denmark.

I have a rich experience in Artifical Intelligence, Cloud Infrastructure, Backend- and Web development as well as the interplay between technology, people and business.


  • Age: 35
  • Available: August 2024
  • CVR: DK35926836
  • Bank Info: 5033 1647839
My Services
Tech Lead & Developer

I'm a Senior Developer that can design, implement and test your new solutions to enable you to fulfill your business goals

Artifical Intelligence

With a background in Artifical Intelligence and Formal Systems, I can help your navigate the hype and solve complex problems

Cloud Architect

Whether you wish to begin your journey to the cloud or you already fully embrace it, I can help you make the most of the opportunites of the cloud

Rapid Prototyping

Launch a moonshot or increase your business potential by rapidly prototyping new services or products

Quick chat
1 coffee
  • Price estimates
  • Hot ideas for a startup
  • What's new in tech
  • ... or just grow your network
Full Services
DKK 900 hour
  • Development
  • Cloud Architecture
  • Artifical Intelligence
  • Team Leadership
Fun Facts
Father of three
Martial Arts Teacher
Kind of a nerd
Digs tech and startups